Born in Los Angeles, California, I moved with my parents to the suburbs when I was seven. Never having strayed far from there, I travel in my mind. Although in later years my husband and I got to travel some in California, we never got far from California. All of my work reflects this viewpoint-so many places while staying put.
In the beginning color work was too expensive so I became a black and white photographer. It turns out the smell of the chemistry and watching prints "come up" in the developer were magical to me. But I still wanted to add color. Not regular color but the colors the world should be. So by using oil paints and pencils to color the prints, my world became much larger. I have a restless mind and so there is a change in each series as each one builds on the one before. Having to switch to digital photography allowed me to print on different materials. Although it took three years to learn how to paint in acrylic instead of oil, the transition is complete. I do miss the smell of oil paints and developer; some things are just magical.
The website is sequenced by the current work first and the oldest artworks last, with the exception of the Self Portraits. I have been making Self Portraits from the beginning and they span each series, covering my entire life. They not only show what my artwork looks like, they show how I have changed physically during this time.
“We are not here to do what has already been done.”